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Common Ortho Procedures

Rabbit Hill Family Dentistry has provided a comprehensive list of common orthodontic procedures performed by orthodontic professionals.

Common Orthodontic Procedures at Rabbit Hill Family Dentistry

At Rabbit Hill Family Dentistry in South Edmonton, we offer a range of orthodontic procedures to ensure your treatment is effective and tailored to your needs. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the common orthodontic procedures we perform:

Regular evaluations of your orthodontic progress are crucial for successful treatment. During these appointments, we may adjust your wires and other components to ensure your braces or aligners are effectively guiding your teeth into their optimal positions.

Banding involves cementing orthodontic bands around your teeth. These bands serve as an anchor for various orthodontic appliances, ensuring that the corrective forces are applied precisely where needed.

Bonding is the process of attaching brackets to your teeth using a special, safe adhesive. This procedure is essential for applying braces and helps in the alignment and movement of your teeth throughout your treatment.

Cephalometric X-Rays
Cephalometric X-rays are specialized X-rays of the head that provide detailed images of your teeth and jawbone. They are instrumental in assessing the alignment and growth of your teeth and are crucial for planning your orthodontic treatment.

During your initial consultation, our treatment coordinator and orthodontist will review your dental health, discuss your treatment options, and develop a personalized plan to address your orthodontic needs.

Debonding is the process of removing the cemented orthodontic brackets from your teeth. This step is typically performed once your orthodontic treatment is complete, and your teeth have reached their desired positions.

In some cases, it may be necessary to extract impacted or problematic teeth to create space for proper alignment. This step helps facilitate effective orthodontic treatment and ensures optimal results.

Impressions involve creating a mold of your teeth using a rubber-like material. This mold is crucial for fabricating custom orthodontic appliances and ensuring a precise fit.

Interceptive Treatment
Interceptive orthodontic treatment is conducted between the ages of 7 and 10 to address early developmental issues. This proactive approach aims to correct problems early, making future orthodontic treatment more effective and less invasive.

Ligation is the process of securing an archwire to the brackets on your teeth. This step ensures that the wire is firmly in place, allowing for the gradual and controlled movement of your teeth.

Panoramic X-Rays
Panoramic X-rays provide a comprehensive view of your entire mouth, including teeth, jaws, and surrounding structures. This imaging helps in diagnosing orthodontic issues and planning treatment effectively.

We take detailed photographs before, during, and after your treatment to document progress and visualize the transformation. These images are invaluable for monitoring changes and showcasing the results of your orthodontic care.

Orthodontic records include cephalometric X-rays, panoramic X-rays, digital photos, and study models. These records are essential for diagnosing your condition and developing a precise treatment plan.

Two-Phase Treatment
Two-phase orthodontic treatment involves an initial phase to address early orthodontic issues, followed by a second phase to refine the results. This approach aims to achieve the best functional and aesthetic outcomes, ensuring long-lasting results.

Wax Bite
A wax bite procedure helps us assess how your teeth come together by creating bite marks in a wax sheet. This information is used to adjust and align your orthodontic models accurately.

At Rabbit Hill Family Dentistry, our experienced orthodontic team is dedicated to providing high-quality care and ensuring your treatment is as effective and comfortable as possible. Contact us today to learn more about our orthodontic services and how we can help you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile.

If you have any questions regarding this list of orthodontic procedures, please feel free to
Call Us
for some insight – 780-432-3430.

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